
What is the Blo(o)r(e) Society?

The Blo(o)r(e) Society is an association of those interested in the history and genealogy of the Blore, Bloor and Bloore surnames.

The Blo(o)r(e) Surname

The group of surnames – Blore, Bloor, Bloore, (and possibly some Blower and Blewer names) appear to originate in the Midlands area of the U.K. and are most probably related to a place name. There is a Blore Heath (a 15th century battle site) on the border of Staffordshire and Shropshire and also a Blore Hall near the hamlet of Blore in Staffordshire near the Derbyshire border. The largest concentration of Bloors at present appears to be in the North Staffordshire area.
To contact the Society  please email enquiries@(deletethisbit)bloor.org  (or for problems or queries regarding this website contact the webmaster).
The Blo(o)r(e) Society is a One-Name Study Group registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies.

So what is a One-name Study Group about?

According to the rules of The Guild, the Aims and Objectives should be:-

  • To maintain an association of those interested in the origin, history and development of the various branches of a family – in our case the Blo(o)r(e) families.
  • To hold meetings once or twice a year at places of special interest to the families.
  • To circulate a regular Newsletter dealing with matters of topical interest and current genealogical and biographical research into the families with news items, letters and articles contributed by Society members.
  • To promote the conservation of documents, monuments and other material of special significance to the families.
  • To foster the study of the Blo(o)r(e) family history with the intention of sponsoring the publication of definitive research where this is appropriate.

If the Blo(o)r(e) Society is to develop along these lines it will need support from like-minded individuals. There are lots of Blo(o)r(e)’s in the world and at least some of you must be interested in discovering whether or how you are related to the others.
One of the ‘nests’ of Blo(o)r(e)’s in the USA is centered on East Liverpool in Ohio which was a major centre of the American ceramic industry. Are they all descendants of potters from Stoke-on-Trent? There is another ‘nest’ in Wisconsin. Why are they there? (This question was answered in part by a reader of these pages).
These are all very good questions and given time I am sure we will find some answers and let everyone know what we have discovered.
One-name Study Groups depend on financial support from their members. The subscription rates of established groups are between £5 and £20 per year.  UK subscriptions for the Blo(o)r(e) Society are £7 per annum and Overseas subscriptions £10 per annum [payable in Sterling]. You can now use PayPal.

The members of the Committee and other researchers are volunteers.
On 1st October 2015, our latest recruit was Member Number 355.

With 112 separate family trees, it’s highly likely that any Blo(o)r(e) attending one of our meetings will find their ancestors, and possibly themselves, somewhere amongst the several thousand people that these trees include.  If you don’t, we’ll just have to build another tree, starting with YOU.

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